Booking & Contact

+62 878-4410-7554

Direct Booking

Contact Us

We’d be happy to receive your direct booking by Email or phone.


Tel: +62 361 844 5342

Hp: +62 87 860 242 317

 Payment and cancellation policy

 After we have confirmed your reservation a downpayment of 50 percent of the total amount due has to be transferred to our bank account.

Once we have received your payment we will confirm your booking.

Balance shall be paid at least 7 days ahead of arrival, at the latest.

Cancellation policy

If you cancel your booking we have to charge you cancellation fees as follows:

 25 percent of the total amount up to 21 days before arrival

35 percent of the total amount up to 14 days before arrival

50 percent of the total amount up to 7 days before arrival

70 percent of the total amount with less then 7 days before arrival

100 percent in case of no show or early departure

 Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details or if you have any questions